The Owletts class at Ulcombe Primary School made an animation based on the ‘Wheels On The Bus’ song (have a look at it here.) This case study shows how they created the film along with the preparation they did beforehand. Why not have a go at making your own version!
Animate 2 Educate bring Primary Computing to life through the delivery of pupil workshops, staff training and consultancy sessions in schools throughout the UK.
The Hedgehog class at Sellindge Primary School used Zu3D to focus on story structure. Their teacher Mrs Greenwood describes how in this article.
Mrs Coster at Henlow Church of England Academy explains to Bryan Plumb at Bee IT how their school use Zu3D. Zu3D is now regularly being used to help explain how to calculate averages, tell religious stories, and even how to make clay pots for Design and Technology, as well as to help learn about other countries and cultures, and to develop a better understanding in History lessons by re-enacting Victorian crimes through animation.
Take a look at how Homewood School and Sixth Form Centre are using Zu3D. Mr Collins gives his top tips on how to incorporate animation into your lessons in their case study.