Create amazing movies
Literacy fused with technology, oracy, art and design

Schools can order online (purchase orders accepted), download our order form or give us a call and place the order over the phone. We are always happy to help, so please do get in touch if you would like any advice about Zu3D.

School order form
Zu3D School Multi-Platform Site Licence

Zu3D School Multi-Platform Site Licence

The Zu3D Multi-Platform Site Licence puts Zu3D on all the computers and iPads in your school, plus access to Zu3D for students at home.

ex. VAT

To use Zu3D you just need a webcam (Zu3D on the iPad uses the built in camera) and something to animate but our Zu3D Equipment Bundles help you get started nice and quickly. If you require different quantities please get in touch and we will be happy to create a bespoke bundle for your school.

Equipment Bundle 1 (computer)

Equipment Bundle 1 (computer)

Everything you need for five animation stations using Zu3D on computers.

 5 x HD webcams,  5 x animation theatres and 10kg of modelling clay!

ex. VAT

Animation Accessories

HD Animation Webcam

HD Animation Webcam

HD Animation webcam with LED lights. Ideal for animating!

ex. VAT
Zu3D Animation Theatre

Zu3D Animation Theatre

Get animating quickly using the Zu3D Animation Theatre, complete with backgrounds and green foam for green screening!

ex. VAT
Modelling Clay

Modelling Clay

20 assorted colour bars of Scola ColourClay Modelling Clay (20 bars @ 500g each)

£60.00ex VAT
ZU3D Animation Handbook

ZU3D Animation Handbook

Our digital Animation Handbook is packed full of tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Zu3D!

£2.50ex VAT